Sourcing Feathers
I appreciate using animal products in fashion is controversial and I want to be as open as possible about where I source my feathers and why I choose to use them in creating my accessories.
My sources are:
New Zealand Pest Control Operations
Turkeys, peacocks and pheasants are considered pests in the North Island due to their abundance and the damage they are inflicting on their local ecosystem. These birds have few predators here in New Zealand. I choose to use these feathers as the birds have lived a free and natural life until they are removed from the environment.
Sporting Events
Like many countries, New Zealand has a long history of hunting for food and sport. Whilst I appreciate sport shooting is contentious these birds have led a free and natural life. I choose to reclaim the feathers rather than seeing them be discarded as a waste product to landfill.
Road Kill
This sounds macabre but sometimes birds lose their lives on the road and if they are fresh with little damage to their pelt I preserve them and utilise their beautiful feathers rather than let them decompose or be taken as caryon. This is most likely to be ducks or geese and is quite rare. I do not use protected birds or birds of prey.
Former Fly Tyers
Tying flies to catch fish is a very common hobby. However, sometimes people lose interest or pass away and I buy their feathers to ensure they have a use and dont go to landfill.
Private Collectors/Aviculturalists
I currently have a couple of aviarists that supply me with exotic feathers from their naturally shedding birds. However, I am always keen to hear from others. Please use my contact form if you have feathers you would like to supply/sell.
I do purchase a small amount of other feathers but aim to source these from local, ethical suppliers and only buy when I have used all of my other reclaimed feathers which is very infrequently and I hope soon to be not at all..
Are you my next feather supplier?
If you have a private collection of birds or even just one which naturally sheds and has beautiful/colourful feathers I would love to hear from you. I would also be interested in hearing from former fly tyers who want to sell their feather collection.
Contact me here
Please note: I do not use artificially coloured feathers.
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